Ebtaker Platform

Ebtaker is the dedicated Regulatory Innovation Hub of the Palestinian Capital Market Authority (PCMA), who is the primary regulator for all licensed non banking financial services institutions operating in in Palestine . It covers the following sectors: Insurance, Securities, Leasing, mortgage financing and digital financial services.

Ebtaker was established in 2021 to promote and encourage innovation in the non-banking financial services sector, by providing a friendly environment for innovators to engage with PCMA and to seek their regulatory support to bring new solutions and ventures in the Palestinian financial system, that contribute to financial inclusion and economic prosperity for all citizens, small and medium sized businesses, and overall for Palestine.  The concept was based on the belief that developments in financial technologies, coupled with innovation in business models can open new doors to reach underserved communities that were harder to reach through traditional financial services channels.  It can also deliver better products and services to those already included in the financial system.

We appreciate that regulation can sometimes pose a challenge for innovators looking to pioneer new solutions, and it is for this reason that we have created Ebtaker as an open platform to freely communicating with innovators, providing guidance and regulatory support towards launching innovative products and services, whether this is through licensing or testing of your solution in a live environment. The platform also allows us as the regulator to exchange knowledge on financial innovation and new financial technology solutions that aims to improve financial services for all.

Our key aim is to encourage innovation and drive constructive competition in the financial system, for the benefit of consumers, small and medium sized enterprise and the overall Palestinian economic development. Healthy competition benefit consumers, by lowering costs of financial services, reducing product prices, and delivering a higher quality of service. More importantly, innovation drives greater access to financial services.

The core objectives of Ebtaker are to:

  • Open communication channels between the PCMA and innovators, whether they emerge from established financial services firms, from the entrepreneurial community or from foreign countries.
  • Encourage innovation in the non-banking sector, that has the potential to improve the lives of consumers and small and medium sized businesses, and we do this by identifying and proactively working to remove regulatory barriers to innovation.
  • Opening the non-banking financial services sectors, through regulatory interventions, for innovative to enter the sector
  • Opening the non-banking financial services sectors to allow innovative products and services to be launch in the market by established firms.
  • Support innovators by providing initial guidance on the regulatory implications of their solution, by allowing them an opportunity to test innovative solutions, or supporting them through the regulatory licensing process.
  • Promote financial inclusion in Palestine  by increasing access to and usage of non -banking financial services and products.
  • Maintain financial stability, integrity and consumer protection.


Ebtaker Innovation Hub Support

Innovating and developing products and services in an environment of complex non-banking financial regulation can be challenging because existing regulation may not always fit the innovative solution neatly. For newcomers, this challenge can be fearful, and may result in entrepreneurs abandoning their ideas or venture. The challenge can be equally daunting for existing non-banking financial institutions that are supervised by the PCMA.

Without our support, innovators are forced to seek costly external advice to understand the regulatory implication of their innovative solution. Ebtaker was designed to close this gap. If you meet our criteria, we help you navigate through an array of complex regulation, advising and guiding you on the most appropriate regulatory route to launching your solution. We cannot advise you on your business idea, but our regulatory advice may lead you to re-strategies your business model.

Ebtaker can provide the following types of support through the Innovation Hub (if you meet the criteria for support)):

  • Initial informal advice on whether your innovation fall within the regulated or unregulated sectors.
  • If it’s likely that your innovative solution will be subject to regulation, we can support you in understanding the specific laws and regulation, and guide you through our sandbox testing or licensing process.
  • Supporting you in understanding alternatives to full licensing (e.g. sandbox testing or changing your business model to fall outside the regulation)
  • Helping you understand your compliance obligations once licensed, or if approved for sandbox testing. This information may help you assess the feasibility of launching your innovative solution.
  • We can provide detailed information on the licensing process. For qualifying firms, we can also help you prepare for the licensing process.

Services We  Provide


We regularly bring stakeholders together to learn and collaborate on innovation and digital financial services


If you wish to take part in challenges that we facilitate to bring rapidly bring innovative ideas to market